Students of the San Pedro Apostle School in San Pedro del Pinatar, Murcia, have made a report to learn about what biodynamic agriculture is and what its benefits are compared to conventional crops and for this they have made a visit to one of the plots of Bio Campo, one of the integral members of Camposeven, formed by families of organic and / or biodynamic farmers. The report is titled 'The...
The good weather arrives and with it some exquisite foods that are already prepared for their collection. At Camposeven we are always aware of the needs of our customers and one of the demands that we wanted to cover was the biodynamic tomatoes of branch, pear and pink tomato. And so that this authentic delicacy that our gardens give us is at its optimum point of consumption, our expert is...
The Villarreal soccer team was the first of the First Division to introduce organic food into their players' diet. The person in charge of this decision was the nutritionist of the Hector Usó team, who is convinced that this type of diet increases the performance of the players. The famous nutritionist explains that elite athletes generate many free radicals in their bodies that are...
From Camposeven we want to congratulate the elected syndics in the votes that have been held so far in the various sectors that are part of the Community of Irrigators of Campo de Cartagena and encourage them to contribute their work to ensure the irrigation flows necessary to maintain a sector as fundamental as fruit and vegetables. The Community of Irrigators of the Campo de Cartagena is one...
Odile Fernández is a family doctor. Eight years ago she was diagnosed with a cancer that she managed to overcome with conventional treatments and drastic changes in her way of feeding. Following these experiences, Odile decided to share her experiences and has written several books on food and its effects on the human body. In this article published in the magazine Integrative...
Did you know that fruits and vegetables share properties that have to do with their colors? And is that the color of each piece of fruit or vegetable depends on a series of pigments that tell us what kind of vitamins and nutrients have inside. Find out in this video: Benefits of vegetables and fruits according to their color White White vegetables have high levels of potassium, a fundamental...
We are already in the spring and that means that our trees are ready to give their best fruits. The De Gea brothers (Joaquín, left, and Adolfo) are the Camposeven specialists in the production of biodynamic stone fruit. Biodynamic farmers feel the land in a very special way, because they know that by taking care of trees and plants with respect and in a responsible way, a quality fruit is...
An international scientific study published in the journal Environmental Health "indicates that the consumption of organic foods can reduce the risk of allergic diseases; and overweight and obesity. " The experts have reviewed more than 200 scientific research carried out in recent decades around the world in which organic food was analyzed compared to those from intensive and traditional...
The cucumber snack is fashionable. Also known as mini cucumber or mini cucumber is ideal to consume at any time of day, since you can eat without having to peel it. Juan Miguel is one of the best Biocampo experts in the production of greenhouse crops. In recent weeks he has been very aware of the plantations that Biocampo has as a snack cucumber, since with the arrival of spring the time...
More than 150 people, including workers, family and friends of Camposeven, are already in Madrid to participate in the demonstration to demand solutions for the lack of water that brings together thousands of people from all over Spain. The initiative is convened by the Circle for Water and has the support of virtually all sectors of Murcia society and the provinces of Alicante and...
Camposeven farmers are finalizing preparations to start the pepper collection campaign. And we wanted you to know the Zapata family. To his patriarch Antonio Zapata Ortuño, a farmer who has been able to transmit his passion for the field and the cultivation of fruits and vegetables to his two daughters, Isabel (next to him in the picture) and Pilar, and their husbands David and Fran. An...
Farmers of Murcia, Almeria and Alicante have called for a demonstration in defense of the Huerta Levantina on March 7 in Madrid. The objective of the Círculo por el Agua is to demand that all the actions necessary to guarantee the viability of crops in the Levant be implemented. Camposeven supports all the requests of the Círculo del Agua and for this purpose it will make...
The peppers are usually marketed in different colors. In this video you can discover why and what are the benefits of each of them: Watch video What is this about? Well to its maturity at the time they are collected from the plant. In this way, the greens are the first to be harvested and have a slightly more bitter taste. It has a high content of vitamin A and C and many antioxidants. Yellows...
The philosophy of Freshvana is to create natural, tasty and nutritious foods without pesticides or other artificial products. Thus, we can get fruits and vegetables with the flavor of a lifetime and rich in vitamins, antioxidants and other substances beneficial to your health. We have made a video so you can see how we select fruits and vegetables from the boxes we send you. You can see...
The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment has set up an interministerial commission to study the incorporation of ecological criteria in public contracts that supply food products for example to school canteens, hospitals and public centers. A historical demand of the organic fruit and vegetable production sector to which Camposeven joins. As pointed out by Anabel Pascual,...
Eating organic products is consolidating in Spanish homes as a healthy and healthy habit. And this is reflected in the growth figures of the consumption of fruits and vegetables that have ecological certificates. Camposeven and our brand Freshvana online sale have the main European certificates that guarantee consumers of our products their origin 'eco' and 'bio'. The technical...
We are in full season of broccoli, a superfood that offers multiple benefits for your health and also is in full season. Broccoli is a vegetable with numerous anticancer properties and a high content of vitamins A, C and E, essential for our body. In addition broccoli detoxifies our body, purifying the skin and blood. Its consumption is especially indicated for people who want to lose weight,...