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The good weather arrives and with it some exquisite foods that are already prepared for their collection. At Camposeven we are always aware of the needs of our customers and one of the demands that we wanted to cover was the biodynamic tomatoes of branch, pear and pink tomato.

And so that this authentic delicacy that our gardens give us is at its optimum point of consumption, our expert is Víctor Manuel, responsible for the cultivation of tomatoes in Biocampo and a reference in the fruit and vegetable sector of Murcia for his knowledge and good work.

Víctor Manuel tells us that tomatoes are one of the foods that provide our body with a greater amount of antioxidants, which makes it possible to maintain young cells and retard their aging.

Tomato consumption is also beneficial for the circulation of the blood system and is recommended in the diet to control cholesterol. Its positive effects do not stop there, since it also has diuretic effects, which prevent the retention of liquids in the body and contribute to the elimination of toxins.

It also reminds us that biodynamic tomatoes have better organoleptic qualities.

A raw tomato is a perfect appetizer or an inseparable ingredient of a good salad, not to mention a good fried tomato, but if you want to accompany it in a slightly more elaborate way, here are some examples that we have selected:

- Tomatoes stuffed with tuna and egg

- Tomato, cucumber and lemon smoothie
