Forty years getting up every morning and working in their lands and orchards serve to treasure a deep experience. That has been the constant illusion of Guillermo García, to the right of the image. Guillermo is one of the partners of Camposeven and knows that if you add to the experience a constant desire to improve and innovate success is assured.

That's the best guarantee offered by Sweet Palermo® peppers, a variety of Italian pepper with an especially sweet flavor and softer skin that has started to be picked and is ready for consumption.

Sweet Palermo peppers are cultivated following the principles of biodynamic agriculture, a culture of respect for the Earth and the Environment and unique knowledge that Guillermo has been able to instill both his son Guillermo (on the left) and Ramón Romero ( in the center), responsible for the exploitation and a "son-brother" more of this family clan that knows that without passion for work it is not possible to offer a vegetable of authentic quality.

All three are regular consumers of Sweet Palermo pepper. Ramón assures that it is a perfect aperitif for any occasion and a surprise of flavor for those who still do not know it. It also highlights the special sweetness that has this variety of pepper, an authentic delicacy at the tables around the world, since it is a vegetable that is taking hold throughout the world.

Guillermo son gives us one last recommendation. Accompany the Sweet Palermo in a good barbecue of meat or fish. Or even in a salad.

The Sweet Palermo pepper provides a good number of vitamins, such as A, B1, B2, B6 and B11, but curiously contains twice as much vitamin C as an orange.
