A team of television The 7 Region of Murcia has been doing a report on the unearthing of the horns stuffed with manure with which in Camposeven we made the preparation 500 of biodynamic agriculture.

The report will be published in the next few days in the Diario del Campo program, which is broadcast from Monday to Friday at 1:30 p.m. Thank you very much to all those who make up this program for echoing our activities and helping to publicize the work of the world of biodynamic and ecological agriculture with which Camposeven is committed.

And thanks to Jennifer Moreno, technician responsible for biodynamic agriculture of Bio Campo, who as always explained how this agriculture uses natural resources responsibly, without using chemical, pesticide or transgenic fertilizers, in addition to telling them how biodynamic preparations are made .

If you want to know more about this activity: http://www.camposeven.com/es/blog/noticias/nuestros-agricultores-biodinamicos-desentierran-el-estiercol-para-el-preparado-500
