A healthy diet is essential for a quality life. There superverduras to help us prevent disease, to stay strong and healthy. We leave you a list of the 10 healthiest vegetables and their properties has compiled the web 's Book for your interest and we echo . Discover them !
1. the Onion
Contains quercetin is one of the most powerful flavonoids (natural plant antioxidants ) . It is rich in vitamins B and C and minerals. Some studies suggest that it may help prevent certain cancers . They make our movement more fluid , regulate blood sugar, kill bacteria, and relieve congestion. A chopped cup has 61 calories, 0 % fat and 3 grams of fiber.
2 . Artichoke
Also known as artichoke contains silymarin , an antioxidant that helps prevent skin cancer , plus fiber to help control cholesterol. One medium artichoke has 60 calories, 0 % fat and 7 grams of fiber. It is used to treat anemia , diabetes , constipation, gallbladder stones , gout or rheumatism based artichokes ( or juice resulting from cooking the leaves ) . Besides being gastrointestinal , this vegetable is highly diuretic and rich in minerals. Also known effect against fatty liver.
3. Broccoli
It has a high content of vitamin C , vitamin E and soluble dietary fiber. One study determined that decreases the risk of lung cancer in smokers.
It is a very healthy treat problems respiratory, have benefits for the heart , and stomach cancer vegetable. Broccoli is advised against hypertriglyceridemia , as it helps to reduce triglycerides.
4. Spinach
Has lutein and zeaxanthin, two carotenoids that help prevent macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness in the elderly . Furthermore, different studies show that this vegetable can help reverse some of the signs of aging. A cup has 7 calories , 0 % fat and 0 1 gram of fiber . It has laxative properties. Not only helps to prevent or relieve constipation but also involved in lowering serum cholesterol and in the speed of passage of the sugars in the blood, which makes beneficial where heart disease and diabetes .
5. Chinese cabbage
He also called Chinese cabbage is a significant source of vitamins and minerals. It is also low in calories and rich in fiber food , so it is suitable for low calorie diets. One cup of cooked kale has 20 calories , 0 % fat and 3 grams of fiber. Since ancient times used to treat intestinal , lung problems and to increase milk in nursing mothers .
6. Pumpkin
It has huge amounts of vitamin C and beta- carotene, which may help protect against endometrial cancer . One cooked cup has 80 calories, 1 gram of fat and 6 grams of fiber. For its high content of vitamin A are attributed beneficial effects on vision . It provides minerals such as potassium , iron, cobalt , boron , zinc and calcium . 90% of its content is water, which is very diuretic , but also cleansing and digestive . Its seeds are used for inflammation of the prostate .
7. Garlic
Contains fructosanos stimulating diuretic in addition to being rich in vitamin A, B and C. The medicinal properties of garlic are spacious , lowers cholesterol , is anti-cancer , has a hypotensive effect , ie has the ability to lower blood pressure and serves as an expectorant . In Greece and Rome, garlic was considered a powerful aphrodisiac.
8. Basil
In natural medicine is considered stimulant, tonic , carminative , expectorant , diuretic , digestive, laxative, anthelmintic , analgesic, antidiarrheal, antiemetic, antispasmodic, sedative, aid in childbirth, soothing bites of insects, he was also aphrodisiac .
9. Carrot
This root has a lot of carotene , or provitamin A, also known by the name of " beauty vitamin . The liver is responsible for transforming the carotene into vitamin A, which plays essential roles in human physiology. this is vital for the proper functioning of vision, good skin , mucous membranes and facilitates the production of blood and antibodies. the best way to consume it raw in salads or prepared as a juice. grated in its external use is used as antiseptic poultice in healing wounds, burns and styes.
10. the Beet
Also known as beet , white beet, betarava , beets or beterrada . It is an excellent source of folic acid, vitamin C and potassium. Studies conducted in 2008 indicate that beetroot juice reduces blood pressure, this is because when mixed with saliva becomes nitrite which is converted by hydrochloric acid from the stomach into nitric oxide. Substance has a potential cancer preventive action , called biochanin A which is achieved by taking a juice of roots and leaves of this vegetable . Protects blood vessels and heart.