Camposeven is a Transfomación Agricultural Society, located in San Pedro del Pinatar (Murcia ), established in 2007, is composed of 10 members, with agricultural experience over 40 years. Our partners have a total of 823 hectares of agricultural land , of these, 61 hectares are greenhouses.
We have evolved over our history to modern farming techniques, which are completely healthy , to ensure a healthy and fresh to the consumer . Attention to detail, we work to meet the needs of our customers with high quality products that meet all European standards .
In Camposeven , people are its greatest asset , so we are committed to having the best team to get the best results . 8.000m2 Our facilities are equipped with the most advanced technologies for handling, processing and packaging of all our products ensuring the highest levels of quality and exquisitely appetizing presentation .
Camposeven Our mission is to be a pioneering company in the production, preparation and marketing of horticultural products.